Words that could be confusing and embarrassing in the UK and USA.
Fag. A goody but an oldie.
In the UK 'fag' is a cigarette. So in the song 'It's a long way to Tipperary' the line 'As long as you have a Lucifer to light your fag'
is not a fundamentalist Christian's statement that all LGBTs will burn for eternity in hell, but saying that you will always have a match to light your cigarette...'
Pissed. USA it's quite legal
to be pissed in a car in a traffic jam. In fact, in large cities sometimes you cannot help it.
For the UK, it means that
you have been over doing it 'down the boozer' (pub) and a kindly policeman will shortly flag you down and arrest you.
Ass. To the USA a member
of the horse family or a stupid person.
The word you guys are looking for in English is 'arse'.
Football. A classic example of our culture gap. The UK
football is what you call soccer.
USA football is what we call pointless. You probably think the same way about cricket...
ENGLAND 51st State of America?
The "51st state, in post-1959 American political discourse, is
a phrase that refers to areas or locales that are – seriously –
considered candidates for U.S. statehood, joining the 50 states
that presently comprise the United States of America. The
phrase has been applied to external territories as well as parts
of existing states which would be admitted as separate states
in their own right.
The phrase "51st state" can be used in a positive sense,
meaning that a region or territory is so aligned, supportive, and
conducive with the United States, that it is like a U.S. state. It
can also be used in a pejorative sense, meaning an area or
region is perceived to be under excessive American cultural or
military influence or control. In various countries around the
world, people who believe their local or national culture has
become too Americanised sometimes use the term "51st
state" in reference to their own countries.
Under Article IV, Section Three of the United States Constitution, which outlines the
relationship among the states, Congress has the power to admit new states to the union. The
states are required to give "full faith and credit" to the acts of each other's legislatures and
courts, which is generally held to include the recognition of legal contracts, marriages, and
criminal judgments. The states are guaranteed military and civil defence by the federal
government, which is also obliged by Article IV, Section Four, to "guarantee to every state in
this union a republican form of government".
Congress is a highly politicized body, and discussions about the admission of new states,
which typically take years before approval, are invariably informed by the political concerns of
Congress at the time the proposal is presented. These concerns include or included
maintaining a balance between free and slave states, and which faction in Congress
(Democrats or Republicans, conservatives or liberals, rural or urban blocks) would benefit, and which lose, if the proposed state were admitted.
A flight from New York City to London covers over 3500 miles, but the two nations own a shared history and financial connection. England is a little smaller than the combined states of Alabama and Georgia, but enjoys a massive population over 53 million that would instantly make England the most populous of the United States.
England former a member of the European Union, staunchly maintains the Pound Sterling as its currency.
As the English monarchy becomes little more than a tourism-driven cliché, the identity of England begins to fade. The strong financial position and large population of England are quite attractive, making it a prime choice for a United States looking to extend its foothold onto another continent at the end of the 21st Century.
England has sometimes been called the 51st state due to the "special relationship" between the two countries, particularly since the close cooperation between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill during World War II, and more recently continued during the premierships of Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Teresa May and Boris Johnson.
In a December the 29th 2011, a column in The Times, David Aaronovitch said in jest that England should consider joining the United States, as the English population cannot accept union with Europe and England would inevitably decline on its own. He also made an alternative case that England, Scotland, Wales should be three separate states, with Northern Ireland joining the Republic of Ireland and becoming an all-Ireland state.

Is England really "poorer than much-maligned Kansas and Alabama"? Er,
not quite.
England just loves confirming the worst about itself. Our tabloids thrive on
stories that portray the country as a teeming mass of greedy migrants and
workshy idlers, run by a parliament of elites in alliance with a small uber-
class of the 1%. The truth is rather more complex than that, of course, but
no newspaper will go broke telling the English that their country’s gone to
the dogs.
Take Fraser Nelson’s bleak diagnosis in The Spectator of how England
compares to the poorest states in the U.S., which has been picked up
widely by media on both sides of the pond. If England were somehow to
become the 51st state of America, Fraser suggests, it would rank near the
“If you take our economic output, adjust for living costs and slot it
into the US league table then England emerges as the second-poorest
state in the union. We’re poorer than much-maligned Kansas and
Alabama and well below Missouri. Only Mississippi has lower economic
output per head than the UK; strip out the South East and England would
rank bottom.”
This may shock Americans who stick to an outmoded idea of the United
Kingdom as a scepter-ed isle of pageantry and gentility (though any Yank
who has ever visited an urban centre outside of London on a Friday night
will know that it isn’t all tea and hunting parties). But are our poorest areas
really comparable to the worst of Mississippi or Alabama?
The statistics tell only part of the story, and it seems Nelson has rather
skewed them to favour his conclusion. In pure GDP per capita, England
ranks 21st in the world. That’s behind the U.S., at 6th, but ahead of
countries such as Italy, Israel and Japan. When compared to U.S. states,
it puts Britain in the lower half of the table, nestled between
Tennessee and Missouri. It’s only when you adjust the UK
GDP per capita for living costs—that is, when you factor in
that a dollar goes further in the U.S. than its equivalent in
sterling does in England—that the English sink to the bottom of
the state-by-state listings.
But here’s the thing:
Nelson doesn’t appear to have attempted to
factor in living costs within the U.S. The idea that a dollar
spent in New York goes equally as far as a dollar spent in
Alabama is laughable, but the comparison he uses proceeds
from that assumption. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics finds sizable regional differences in the Consumer Price Index, with the South some 21 points below the
Northeast. There’s no easy way to work that differential into Nelson’s back-of-an-envelope study, especially as the BLS
doesn’t break down CPI by state. But isn’t it a little inaccurate to factor in the living costs of the UK and not the states used
as a comparison?
Rhys Ifans 51st State
Formula 51
Felix contacts a gun dealing club owner and drug distributor named Iki, promising him the formula for £20 million. As Elmo and Felix acquire the ingredients necessary for the drug's manufacture, all of which are over-the-counter products, the now-armed skinheads capture them. Elmo is un-flustered, as the skinheads claim they have a lab, though it turns out to be a broken-into animal testing facility. Elmo makes two batches of the drug; one blue and one red. He claims that the red pill is the stronger version, and after he takes one, the skinheads try it. While they are partying, waiting for the effect of the drug, in the next room Elmo spits out his red pill. He tells Felix it is a powerful laxative; Elmo and Felix leave after throwing rolls of toilet paper to the incapacitated skinheads.
At Iki's rave club, Elmo initiates his deal and delivers the drug to the waiting crowd. Kane and the police interrupt the deal and arrest Felix. When Dakota appears, she reveals that her real name is Dawn and that she and Felix were romantically involved. She leaves with him via the roof. Elmo gets the upper hand, suspending her over the edge of the roof. Having no choice, she strikes a deal with him and they escape from Kane. Mean while, Kane black mails Felix during a police interrogation and forces himself into the deal with Iki, which Felix sets up for him.
Felix, Elmo, and Dawn meet Iki in a private viewing box at the
football game. This time, the deal is interrupted by the Lizard, who shoots Iki and demands the formula to POS 51. The Lizard celebrates with a drink, as Elmo reveals that the drug is a placebo and POS stands for Power of Suggestion. Kane interrupts them as Elmo's cocktail, an explosive ingested by the Lizard, takes effect. Kane is knocked unconscious and arrested, and the others escape. Dawn and Felix give their relationship another chance, and Elmo purchases a castle once owned by the man who owned his ancestors.
Screenwriter Stel Pavlou came up with the idea for The 51st State in 1994 while studying at university in Liverpool, loosely basing some of the characters on his friends. Pavlou described the idea of the film being based on Liverpool's history in the slave trade and transferring it to modern day in the form of the drug trade. Pavlou and his business partner Mark Aldridge showcased their idea at the Cannes Film Festival in France which lead to film development company Focus Films offering funding for development. Soon the film caught the eye of Samuel L. Jackson, who eventually came on board as both a producer and star of the film.
Originally Pavlou budgeted at around £1 million and intended to direct it himself. Due to difficulty getting funding Pavlou stepped aside and took a co-producer credit while the matter was being resolved. After five years The 51st State was finally budgeted at $28 million, with financing coming from Canada and the UK via Alliance Atlantis and The Film Consortium.
Actor and film producer Samuel L. Jackson recommended Hong Kong director Ronny Yu to direct the film with belief that the film's overall style was suited to that of Yu's previous credits, such as his 1998 film Bride of Chucky. With the roles of Elmo McElroy (Samuel L. Jackson) and Felix DeSouza (Robert Carlyle) both secured, producer Andras Hamori suggested Meat Loaf to play the antagonist. This was approved by director Yu, who called the idea a "truly inspired piece of casting".
Almost all of the film was shot on location in Liverpool apart from the opening scene which was shot in Los Angeles, a driving scene which was filmed outside of Liverpool in the city of Manchester, and another scene which was filmed at Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire. Major locations used in Liverpool included the River Mersey and docks, Pier Head, the India Building, Water Street as well as Liverpool Football Club's Stadium Anfield. Other famous Liverpool landmarks can be seen throughout the film in the background such as St George's Hall and the Liver Building.
Production designer Alan Macdonald used the film's production base in Boundary Street to build various sets for interior scenes, as well as a vast disused warehouse space in Blackstock Street.
The film received a rating of 25% based on 102 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, as well as a score of 23 out of 100 at Meta-critic representing "generally unfavourable reviews".
Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper called the film "a farce", giving the film one out of four stars, and particularly negative comments on the film's content and script. Generally positive reviews were given by both BBC and Empire reviewers, with Alan Morrison of the latter calling it "full-on fun" and that the film "goes beyond the boundaries" of British films. IGN.com also gave the film a generally positive review, concluding that "you get exactly what you pay for" and that the film was overall very "enjoyable".
The film had its world premiere on the 7th of December 2001, in London's West End Curzon Cinema. In total, the film earned over $14.4 million at the worldwide box office, $5.2 million of that in the U.S. and $9.2 million elsewhere.
51st State New Model Army
Look out of your windows, watch the skies
Read all the instructions with bright blue eyes
We're W.A.S.Ps, proud American sons
We know how to clean our teeth and how to strip down a gun
We're the 51st state of America
Our star-spangled Union Jack flutters so proud
Over the dancing heads of the merry patriotic crowd
Tip your hat to the Yankee conqueror
We've got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows
We're the 51st state of America
Here in the land of opportunity, watch us revel in our liberty
You can say what you like but it doesn't change anything
Because the corridors of power are an ocean away
We're the 51st state of America
The single "51st State," a critique of Britain's relationship with the United States, was a hit in Europe. To the impassioned cult of fans, New Model Army were one of the best post-punk outfits Great Britain ever produced. Combining the gut-level force of punk with the anthemic political fervour of U2 and the Alarm, as well as the urban protest folk of Billy Bragg, NMA sounded like few other bands mining similar post-punk territory. Their attack was hard, spare, and precise, but as time wore on, they were just as likely to deliver modern-day folk-rock replete with acoustic guitar, violin, and harmonica.
Throughout their career, they have remained staunch advocates of the British working class, occasionally tempering their
leftist, anti Thatcher political fury with moments of personal introspection. Their shout-along anthems often borrowed the football-chant feel of Oi!, but NMA were far less given to rabble-rousing, instead aiming for intelligent dissidence. True, that could sometimes translate into preachy sloganeering, but NMA's best work earned them tremendous acclaim in the U.K., where their singles regularly placed in the lower reaches of the pop charts. U.K.-specific lyrical references, coupled with visa problems that sometimes made touring difficult, unfortunately ensured that they were all but ignored in the U.S. Still, they maintained a strong following in Europe, and leader Justin Sullivan managed to keep them going for more than two decades.
In this song Matt Johnson of The The attacks the Right Wing Maggie Thatcher Conservative government of the 1980s, saying they were polarizing Britain to the point of violence by increasing the divisions between the classes. He also
expresses his frustration at the UK's subservience to the US, saying, Great Britain is the 51st state of the USA.
Matt Johnson said later of this song on the The The website:
"I suppose in a way that song was ahead of its time because the Americanization of Britain seems to have accelerated
rapidly since then. You see and read about it commented on
more and more, just about how much our little island is really
losing or has lost."
Well it ain't written in the papers, but it's written on the walls
The way this country is divided to fall
So the cranes are moving on the skyline
Trying to knock down this town
But the stains on the heartland, can never be removed
From this country that's sick, sad, and confused
Here comes another winter of long shadows and high hopes
Here comes another winter waitin' for utopia
Waitin' for hell to freeze over
The ammunition's being passed and the lords been praised
But the wars on the televisions will never be explained
All the bankers gettin' sweaty beneath their white collars
As the pound in our pocket turns into a dollar
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A. This is the 51st state of the U.S.A. This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
This is the 51st state of the U.S.A. This is the 51st state of the U.S.A. This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
It is also a little simplistic to equate poverty with GDP, which
measures business and government spending as well as
individual consumer behaviour. Poverty is better reflected by
rates of joblessness, education level and life expectancy.
England's unemployment rate is 6.6%, roughly comparable to
New York (36th among the states). The UK has a 91% high
school equivalent graduation rate, which would put it in the top
5 among states. And England's life expectancy at birth is over
80; that would rank it among the top 10 states.
None of this is to say that England—an island of roughly the
same square mileage as Michigan, but with a population
almost twice the size of California—doesn’t have huge
structural economic problems, or its own areas of persistent
blight. But it shouldn’t take an oversimplified comparison to
Mississippi to make residents see them. Nelson does, however,
gets one thing absolutely right. If there’s one thing the English enjoy more than despairing at their own squalid state of affairs, it’s smugly noting that at least the Americans have it worse.
The 51st State (also known as Formula 51 ) is a 2001 Canadian-British action comedy film. The film stars Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, Emily Mortimer, Ricky Tomlinson, Sean Pertwee, Rhys Ifans, and Meat Loaf. The film follows the story of an American master chemist (Jackson) who heads to the United Kingdom to sell his formula for a powerful new drug. All does not go as planned and Jackson soon becomes entangled in a web of deceit. The 51st State premiered in the United Kingdom on the 7th of December 2001. It was released worldwide under the name Formula 51 in October 2002, where it grossed $14.4 million, just over half of the budget.
In 1971, a policeman catches Elmo McElroy, a recent college graduate with a degree in pharmacology, smoking marijuana. Because of his arrest and conviction, he is unable to find work as a pharmacologist. In the present day, a drug lord called
"the Lizard" calls a meeting of his organization, hoping to sell a brand new substance invented by Elmo. The meeting goes badly when Elmo, in a bid to escape from the Lizard's control, blows up the building, killing everyone but the Lizard.
Vengeful, the Lizard contacts Dakota, a contract killer, who previously killed the only witness in a case against the Lizard. Dakota initially refuses the hit, but accepts when the Lizard offers to clear her gambling debts and give her a $250,000
Elmo leaves for Liverpool, England, where he meets Felix DeSouza, a local "fixer" who has been sent by Leopold Durant, head of a local criminal organization, in exchange for two football tickets (Liverpool v Manchester United) to a sold-out game. At the meeting, Elmo pitches POS 51, a synthetic drug that can be produced with minimal facilities and is 51 times as potent as other drugs. A second opinion from Pudsey, Durant's chemist, confirms Elmo's claims, and Durant gives him over a million dollars in bonds. Since it is $18 million short of the agreed payment, Elmo threatens to leave.
In a room across the street, Dakota is about to take a shot at Elmo's head when the Lizard calls cancelling the hit; not wanting to kill Elmo until he has the formula. Instead of killing Elmo, she is to kill anyone who meets with him. She switches rifles to an automatic weapon and kills everyone but Elmo and Felix, who is shot in the buttocks. As Elmo and Felix leave the hotel, a gang of skinheads who seek the drug attack them. Elmo protects them with a golf club. Detective Virgil Kane arrives on the scene and gives a chase. He is soon lured into a game of chicken by Elmo, who escapes. Kane returns to the crime scene and demands 50% of Durant's deal with McElroy. A miscommunication leads to Durant's death.


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The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.
The material on this site does not reflect the views of What If? Tees.
The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.